The Fort Worth Kings
Thursday, May 16, 2013
It has been a long time...
As you all are aware, life has been pretty busy with three kids in the house. Charlotte decided she needed to arrive before Christmas, 6 weeks early which threw us all for a loop. She was a born 12/20/12 at 11:06am and weighed in at 4lbs 15oz. She was a healthy little thing and even stayed with Bill and I 45 minutes before going back to NICU.
The day before she was born, Wednesday, Dec. 19th I decided to take the day off to prepare for both sides of the family coming in town for the holidays....yes, we have decided that we are no longer traveling for Christmas because we want to start our own family traditions and have the kids waking up at home on Christmas morning. Anywho, I took Alex to school, then went to lunch and then to Marshalls and Target to do a little shopping. While I was at Target, I felt a little drip...then a little more. To make a long story short, I couldn't decided if I was having bladder issues or if my water broke. I called Bill to inform him of the situation. I got home, put the groceries away, changed pants and called the doctor. My doctor was at another location that day but the nurse was keeping another doctor there to see me if I could get there by 3:30. I hauled butt and even off-roaded it since my exit was close and walked as fast as I could in to the office. I get there and there's an entire room full of pregnant ladies. I waited 10 minutes and then was called back. The doctor confirmed that my water broke and escorted me upstairs to Labor & Delivery. WHAT? This was crazy! Bags were not packed, we didn't have plans of what to do with the boys plus she was so early! Once I was taken to a hospital room the nurse told me that they were not sure if they were going to admit me since the baby would need to go to NICU and their NICU was full. Great...I could deliver there and then Charlotte would be airlifted to Cook's Children's hospital downtown and I could go there when I was discharged or I could leave and deliver there. After an hour or two, they made room in the NICU for Charlotte's arrival so all turned out ok. I was only measuring at 3 cm dialated but had to stay in bed because they didn't want me moving around since the umbilical cord could wrap around the baby. Around 4:30am on 12/20/12 they gave me pitocin to speed things along. The contractions started getting strong around 8:00am and were rocking my world around 10:00 am. I got the epidural without Bill passing out so life was good at this point. The nurse came back to check me around 10:30am to put a catherater in but the baby was already so far down that it was time to push. My doctor rushed in and I pushed 3 times while holding my legs then Charlotte was here. Her Apgar scores were 8 then 9 so she stayed with us until it was time to feed her. We were informed that she was going to be in NICU for at least 2 weeks. Well, they were right and two weeks and a day, Charlotte was able to come home.
Since then, she has been busy growing. Alex is really sweet with her (except for the two times he tried to dump her out of her Moses basket so he could get in it). He randomly reaches down to kiss and hug her. A couple times he told Bill to watch out becuase Baby Charlotte was eating or would tell me that Baby Charlotte was hungry when she was crying. He has turned out to be a great big brother so far. He is such a sweet soul!
Ok, now for pictures...that's what everyone wants.
Christmas 2013
Car seat test to make sure she can breath while buckled of the last tests before given approval to be discharged from the hospital. The other test was to make sure she would eat from a bottle for 24 hours. She had to eat a certain quantity within 30 minutes each feeding. If I remember correctly it was 45 cc which is close to a couple ounces.

Bill loving Charlotte as soon as she got home.
Alex inspecting his baby sister.
Rodeo time with Alex and his first pony ride!
Grammie and Paw Paw came to town
Easter in Austin

Alex's school picture
The day before she was born, Wednesday, Dec. 19th I decided to take the day off to prepare for both sides of the family coming in town for the holidays....yes, we have decided that we are no longer traveling for Christmas because we want to start our own family traditions and have the kids waking up at home on Christmas morning. Anywho, I took Alex to school, then went to lunch and then to Marshalls and Target to do a little shopping. While I was at Target, I felt a little drip...then a little more. To make a long story short, I couldn't decided if I was having bladder issues or if my water broke. I called Bill to inform him of the situation. I got home, put the groceries away, changed pants and called the doctor. My doctor was at another location that day but the nurse was keeping another doctor there to see me if I could get there by 3:30. I hauled butt and even off-roaded it since my exit was close and walked as fast as I could in to the office. I get there and there's an entire room full of pregnant ladies. I waited 10 minutes and then was called back. The doctor confirmed that my water broke and escorted me upstairs to Labor & Delivery. WHAT? This was crazy! Bags were not packed, we didn't have plans of what to do with the boys plus she was so early! Once I was taken to a hospital room the nurse told me that they were not sure if they were going to admit me since the baby would need to go to NICU and their NICU was full. Great...I could deliver there and then Charlotte would be airlifted to Cook's Children's hospital downtown and I could go there when I was discharged or I could leave and deliver there. After an hour or two, they made room in the NICU for Charlotte's arrival so all turned out ok. I was only measuring at 3 cm dialated but had to stay in bed because they didn't want me moving around since the umbilical cord could wrap around the baby. Around 4:30am on 12/20/12 they gave me pitocin to speed things along. The contractions started getting strong around 8:00am and were rocking my world around 10:00 am. I got the epidural without Bill passing out so life was good at this point. The nurse came back to check me around 10:30am to put a catherater in but the baby was already so far down that it was time to push. My doctor rushed in and I pushed 3 times while holding my legs then Charlotte was here. Her Apgar scores were 8 then 9 so she stayed with us until it was time to feed her. We were informed that she was going to be in NICU for at least 2 weeks. Well, they were right and two weeks and a day, Charlotte was able to come home.
Since then, she has been busy growing. Alex is really sweet with her (except for the two times he tried to dump her out of her Moses basket so he could get in it). He randomly reaches down to kiss and hug her. A couple times he told Bill to watch out becuase Baby Charlotte was eating or would tell me that Baby Charlotte was hungry when she was crying. He has turned out to be a great big brother so far. He is such a sweet soul!
Ok, now for pictures...that's what everyone wants.
Christmas 2013
Car seat test to make sure she can breath while buckled of the last tests before given approval to be discharged from the hospital. The other test was to make sure she would eat from a bottle for 24 hours. She had to eat a certain quantity within 30 minutes each feeding. If I remember correctly it was 45 cc which is close to a couple ounces.
Bill loving Charlotte as soon as she got home.
Alex inspecting his baby sister.
Rodeo time with Alex and his first pony ride!
Grammie and Paw Paw came to town
Easter in Austin
Alex's school picture
Friday, December 7, 2012
Getting the Gear On
Bill has been busy getting his hunting trips in before the holidays since he will be on lock down after the New Year with Baby expected in January. Alex keep saying "Alex go hunting" so Bill has decided to take Alex to a friend's lease this weekend. Of course, Alex has to get some new camo gear so Bill had a field day picking things out...Baby Girl King also benefited from the trip with a camo & pink onesie and bib and burp cloth. Hopefully, they will send me pictures of their weekend.
This is my first weekend alone since Alex was born and probably the last for the next year or so. I did travel to Atlanta on a business trip for one night but that was only for one night...we will see how much I miss the morning snuggles...!
This is my first weekend alone since Alex was born and probably the last for the next year or so. I did travel to Atlanta on a business trip for one night but that was only for one night...we will see how much I miss the morning snuggles...!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Thanksgiving Recap
Alex came down with a bug before Thanksgiving and so kindly shared it with me before we drove to Houston to meet up with Bill and to spend time with my side of the family. Here's the sick boy...
So pitiful...
Jack, Alex and Ivy preparing for nap time in Grammie & Paw Paw's bed...this must be when Alex shared his germs with everyone...sorry Shillington household, Grammie & Paw Paw!
another day of delaying nap time...
Alex wearing his Bear Hat on the drive back to Ft. Worth.
Thank goodness we were both on the mend.
I tried to get a full body picture of Alex in this outfit. He's wearing TCU basketball shorts, Crocs, a pajama shirt and his camo hat. He is ready to go hunting with Bill.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Long Overdue Update
26 weeks pregnant
Alex loves the baby...he is full of hugs and kisses for everyone including her.
He likes to feel her kick.
My sweet friend Megan sent Halloween goodies. Alex LOVED his skeleton shirt!
Listening to a TCU game on a pretty day with Daddy!
One of Alex's favorite things right now...peeling bananas.
I got home from work and found this stack on the kitchen table.
Alex trying on some of Tyler's boots. He LOVES wearing boots. If you look closely, you will see that these are two left feet but that didn't slow him down.
My mom came in town this weekend and helped paint the nursery and dining room. Thank goodness for her help! Now I need to find crib bedding and a rug and maybe I'll enlarge the watercolor painting of the pink elephant framed on the zebra stripes.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Alex found Bill's headphones and decided to wear them around to listen to music. He was jammin'...even though the headphones weren't plugged in.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Fun Pictures
A couple weeks ago Alex and I took a trip to see my parents, Grammy & Paw Paw for the weekend. He had a great time playing with play dough, climbing the stairs and spending time with Grammy & Paw Paw. Of course, we made it back home without getting any pictures of Alex with them but we did manage to get one of him in his pj's with Elmo...
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