Friday, May 27, 2011

Pool time

This past weekend, Alex got dressed in his swimming gear and went swimming with our friend's 3 year old and 5 year old. (of course Mom and Dad were in the water with Alex.)He loves playing in water. I get tickled when he tries to eat the water. Of course I didn't think about getting a picture until after he was out of his swimsuit. However, here's a picture of Alex after his swim. So stinkin' cute! (I promise to be better about taking his picture...)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Second Night

Alex and I had another little talk during dinner. I told him that it was ok to sleep through the night again...and once again, he listened. Around 4:00 am I heard him getting a little fussy but he "talked" himself back to sleep. I absolutely love hearing him "talk"! It makes my day!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

10 months old

Our Little Man turned 10 months old yesterday! I can't believe that he has gotten so big! Before I know it, he will be walking...he is already pulling up on everything and walking around holding on to furniture. He is always on the move. I'm just amazed at how much he has learned to do in the past 10 months!

I'm hoping that now he is 10 months old, he has moved past the "9 month old interrupted sleep" pattern. For the past 3 weeks, Alex has been waking up between 11 pm and 1 am. Alex had been falling asleep by 7 pm and waking up at 8:30 am. A lot of literature out there (and family/friends w/ little ones have agreed) that babies who have been sleeping through the night seem to revert back to waking up once during the night. Because he turned 10 months old yesterday, I had a little talk with Alex during dinner. I told him that it was OK to sleep through the night once again worked! I heard him around 9:30 but it was just a peep. I expected to hear him peep again around 11 but nothing. I am so glad our little talk worked! Keep your fingers crossed he continues to listen to my talks...and sleeps through the night!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Friday my office closed early because it was beautiful outside. They decided that we most likely would not have 75 degree weather again until October so they closed the office at 3pm. Since it was so pretty, I picked up Alex and we went to a park. He loves the swings at school, so we gave these swings a shot...he's still a little small for them but he loved them!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Wileen, Bill's mother was in town this past weeekend. She came in town for Tyler's baseball game on Thursday but the game was cancelled b/c a storm with strong winds ruined some of the fields and bleachers. However, we had a great time with her this weekend.
Bill and I had date night on Saturday, which was really needed. I had a great time spending time with just the two of us. On Sunday, we were able to get Tyler so we can spend the afternoon at the Zoo. Tyler was a busy 10 year old boy, running here and there, Alex strolled along and took everything in and we all walked lots of miles! Wileen was very good about taking pictures, so here are a few of my favorites!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

More pictures

Here are more pictures from Easter weekend. Enjoy

Our little Indian!

Easter...9 Months Old

This was our first Easter as parents and we had a good time. Tyler decided to spend the night with us at the last minute so the Easter Bunny had to run out the night before to get eggs to hide. She already shopped for his Easter basket but didn't get any eggs because she thought Tyler was going to be at his mom's. Tyler was pretty excited when he realized that the Easter Bunny left two Easter baskets in the backyard and that there were eggs! Bill, Alex and I helped Tyler search for eggs. I was very surprised that a few eggs were unseen by the two and I had to point them out. Tyler was very sweet by sharing some of his eggs with Alex since Alex only enjoyed sucking on one eggs. (I have pictures on Bill's phone but I don't have access to them at the moment.) This is the only picture I have on my phone.)

I enjoy when Tyler spends the night at our house. Something about life "feels right" when he is over. One of his buddies from his baseball team lives around the corner, so now he has a friend within bike riding distance. It makes me smile when Jack, Tyler's friend comes over to ask Tyler to play.

I had to add this picture to the blog...I just love when Alex sleeps with his bottom in the air. I can't resist cupping it when I check in on him before I go to bed!