We had a great 4th of July, nothing eventful but a good time. The majority of the weekend was spent on inside and outside house chores. Bill grilled a lot and we enjoyed relaxing outside. Yes, it was a bit hot but it wasn't unbearably hot. Each year our neighborhood has a 4th of July parade. We told Tyler that he could decorate his bike and ride in the parade but he was a bit hesitant to decorate his bike. We got up and found a shady spot to watch the parade. Bill and I weren't sure what to expect since this was our first time to attend it. It was an All American neighborhood parade. Kids decorated their bikes, Hot Wheels, scooters, wagons and some adults decorated their cars. It was actually pretty cute! Before we left the house, we threw Tyler's bike in the back so he could ride his bike around before the parade. He surprised us by joining the parade as it went by! It was pretty cute to see him riding his bike with the parade. The parade even had a police escort. Here's a picture of one of my favorite "floats".

We watched fireworks on Sunday night as well as last night. There's a small park not far from our house that overlooks downtown so we were able to see fireworks both nights. I felt bad that we work Alex up two nights in a row to see fireworks but he didn't seem too bothered by it. Last night he was pretty animated while we were watching the fireworks! He "talked" the entire time. It was like he was describing the fireworks to the people behind us. He was blabbering away and moving his arms around. It was pretty entertaining. Too bad that I didn't get video of him.
One last photo for this post...one of the events of the weekend was killing a GIANT wasp nest that has been buzzing behind one of our outdoor speakers. Bill thought he would get rid of the nest by setting it on fire with a grilling lighter. Well, I have to say that the wasp got Bill...a couple of times. He got stung on his chest and a couple of times on his wrist. He wrist was really swollen the next day so he was resourceful and made an ice pack to help with the swelling. I couldn't help but take a picture! Ha Ha Ha!