Alex is becoming such a big boy. This past weekend my parents were in town and Alex took his first steps! Alex was holding my mom's hands and he took unassisted steps to me! We were both shocked! Alex looked so proud! I'm a little sad that Bill missed them but Alex walked (took two to three steps) to him
multiple times last night. Each time Alex had a big grin on his face when he reached his dad. He has been walking around furniture for the past three or four months but has never had the balance or confidence to give it a go on his own. I have a feeling he will most likely be walking on his own by the end of the week...but we'll see!
I have been signing to Alex for a while. Sometimes I forget but I try to be
consistent. I sign hungry (eat), more, sleep, milk and thank you. Yesterday we were at Target and I did my "funny dance" for Alex. (I shake my head from side to side and make a funny noise.) Well, Alex is at the stage when he mimics what I do, so he did his funny dance. Then he looked at me and signed "more". I was really surprised that he made the connection that I would do it again if he signed "more." I bet the other shoppers thought we were nuts...but I don't care because we were having fun! I love my sweet baby! (Alex has signed "more" before but it wasn't clear that he knew the real meaning behind he did yesterday.)