Bill has been busy getting his hunting trips in before the holidays since he will be on lock down after the New Year with Baby expected in January. Alex keep saying "Alex go hunting" so Bill has decided to take Alex to a friend's lease this weekend. Of course, Alex has to get some new camo gear so Bill had a field day picking things out...Baby Girl King also benefited from the trip with a camo & pink onesie and bib and burp cloth. Hopefully, they will send me pictures of their weekend.
This is my first weekend alone since Alex was born and probably the last for the next year or so. I did travel to Atlanta on a business trip for one night but that was only for one night...we will see how much I miss the morning snuggles...!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Thanksgiving Recap
Alex came down with a bug before Thanksgiving and so kindly shared it with me before we drove to Houston to meet up with Bill and to spend time with my side of the family. Here's the sick boy...
So pitiful...
Jack, Alex and Ivy preparing for nap time in Grammie & Paw Paw's bed...this must be when Alex shared his germs with everyone...sorry Shillington household, Grammie & Paw Paw!
another day of delaying nap time...
Alex wearing his Bear Hat on the drive back to Ft. Worth.
Thank goodness we were both on the mend.
I tried to get a full body picture of Alex in this outfit. He's wearing TCU basketball shorts, Crocs, a pajama shirt and his camo hat. He is ready to go hunting with Bill.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Long Overdue Update
26 weeks pregnant
Alex loves the baby...he is full of hugs and kisses for everyone including her.
He likes to feel her kick.
My sweet friend Megan sent Halloween goodies. Alex LOVED his skeleton shirt!
Listening to a TCU game on a pretty day with Daddy!
One of Alex's favorite things right now...peeling bananas.
I got home from work and found this stack on the kitchen table.
Alex trying on some of Tyler's boots. He LOVES wearing boots. If you look closely, you will see that these are two left feet but that didn't slow him down.
My mom came in town this weekend and helped paint the nursery and dining room. Thank goodness for her help! Now I need to find crib bedding and a rug and maybe I'll enlarge the watercolor painting of the pink elephant framed on the zebra stripes.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Alex found Bill's headphones and decided to wear them around to listen to music. He was jammin'...even though the headphones weren't plugged in.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Fun Pictures
A couple weeks ago Alex and I took a trip to see my parents, Grammy & Paw Paw for the weekend. He had a great time playing with play dough, climbing the stairs and spending time with Grammy & Paw Paw. Of course, we made it back home without getting any pictures of Alex with them but we did manage to get one of him in his pj's with Elmo...
Shopping for Big Boy Bedding
With Baby Girl on the way, we decided to transition Alex in to a Big Boy Bed. Basically, we took the front of the crib off so it looks like a daybed. He will eventually move to Tyler's room and his full size bed and Tyler will move to the guest room. Alex has been pretty good about going to sleep at night in his bed but nap times are horrendous at home. He will not lay down or stay in his room for naps during the weekend. Naps at school are not a problem. SO, I decided to take Alex to Target to shop for Big Boy bedding. It was clear that he was interested in all the sheets but he liked the train sheets (Thomas the Train, although he doesn't know who Thomas is) but they didn't have full size sheets in Thomas. Alex didn't seem to really care about picking out sheets because his focus quickly shifted to "hiding" in the shelves. He moved sleeping bags out of the way so he could "hide". The other moms in the aisle loved this! I thought it was pretty cute so I took a picture. Needless to say, we didn't end up with any Big Boy bedding...that will have to be conquered another day.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Pink or Blue?
Ten little fingers, ten little toes
Two little eyes, one little nose
One little mouth, two little ears
We hope this poem will bring lots of cheers.
So is it pink or is it blue
We think its time that you all knew.
The ultrasound technician searched while the baby turned
With her next three words here’s what we learned.
She told us then we should start to think
About filling the nursery with lots of pink.
We are expecting Baby GIRL King to arrive the end of January 2013!
I will post a few some of the latest ultrasound pictures later.
Two little eyes, one little nose
One little mouth, two little ears
We hope this poem will bring lots of cheers.
So is it pink or is it blue
We think its time that you all knew.
The ultrasound technician searched while the baby turned
With her next three words here’s what we learned.
She told us then we should start to think
About filling the nursery with lots of pink.
We are expecting Baby GIRL King to arrive the end of January 2013!
I will post a few some of the latest ultrasound pictures later.
Monday, August 13, 2012
First Professional Haircut
Alex had his first professional haircut on Saturday. I was really nervous because he never sits still when I trim his hair...but he did a wonderful job! He immediately ran to the train table when we got there and after a few minutes it was his turn. He followed the stylist and climbed right in to the seat. The seat was a red fire truck with a spinning steering wheel. He drove the fire truck, watched "Finding Nemo" and charmed the pants off all the ladies. He had such a good time that I had to pull him from the seat. He is becoming such a big boy!
Madame Zaritska Preditction
Madame Zaritska (whoever she is) predicts how your birth experience will be along with gender, weight and baby's features. Here's my results after answering a few questions:
The day you deliver, outside will be hazy. Your baby will arrive in the late evening. After a labor lasting approximately 5 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 5 pounds, 5 ounces, and will be 20 inches long. This child will have light gray eyes and some black hair
This prediction doesn't sound too bad to me! We will see if she's right. We may get to find out if Madame Zaritska prediction on the baby's sex is right on the 23rd.
The day you deliver, outside will be hazy. Your baby will arrive in the late evening. After a labor lasting approximately 5 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 5 pounds, 5 ounces, and will be 20 inches long. This child will have light gray eyes and some black hair
This prediction doesn't sound too bad to me! We will see if she's right. We may get to find out if Madame Zaritska prediction on the baby's sex is right on the 23rd.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Sweet Boy
Alex is such a sweet boy. As I was picking him up from school two days ago, one of his teachers stopped me. I was expecting her to share some story of a how much he talks or is running and climbing everywhere. Well, she informed me that during nap time she sneezed and after a few seconds of silence, Alex said "Bless you Sara." Oh my gosh, that makes me sweet.
Baby King #2
A few pictures of Baby King #2 at 11 weeks pregnant.
You can see the teeth, lips and nose in this picture and a few knuckles by baby's eyes.
Here you can see bones in a foot, leg then the shoulders, arms & hands.
Baby's hands are infront of its face.
Friday, August 3, 2012
No Umbrella Drinks For Me
In the previous post, I mentioned that vacations used to be about relaxation, sleeping in and umbrella drinks...well, there wont be any umbrella drinks for me until the end of January 2013!
I am 14 weeks 6 days pregnant with number 2! We are due January 26th!
(the picture is from 12 weeks 5 days pregnant)
Thursday, July 19, 2012
2 Years Old
Alex turned two years old yesterday! I cannot believe how quickly time flies! To celebrate his birthday, he had his 2 yr old check up. He weighs 26.5lbs and is 34" long. That puts him in the 25% for weight and 75% for height. Yes, we are growing a string bean. He was such a good boy at the appointment. He loves saying his doctor's name "Dr. Halpenny" and says it a lot. Alex spent a lot of time turning the lights on and off while we were waiting to see the doctor. He was such a good boy, he followed all the doctor's instructions and didn't even fuss when he got his shot. Thank goodness, but I typically cry when he cries from his shots.
Vacations used to be a time of relaxation, sleeping in and umbrella drinks...boy how times have changed! Don't get me wrong, we had a fun time while on vacation but it isn't necessarily relaxing with an 11 yr old and an almost 2 yr old at the beach. The condo is approximately 30 yards from the bay and is a one bedroom, one bath condo...but the price it right...FREE! Needless to say, we didn't get to sleep in much and making sure Alex didn't fall into the bay was tiring. Tyler loved it because he could fish off the dock when we weren't at the beach. He even caught a Dogfish with leftover pork chops! THE BEACH...Alex loved the water and would walk until we carried him to a shallower area. A wave would knock him down but he'd get back up and continue his journey to go deeper. Tyler loved feeding the seagulls while Alex enjoyed eating the seagulls white bread.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Quick Lunch in Austin
On our way down to Padre for our annual summer vacation, we stopped in Austin to see Bill's grandparents for lunch. We always try to see them if we are passing through. This time we were lucky enough to have lunch with his grandparents, three uncles, an aunt and a cousin. It sounds like a lot of family, but there were more on that side of the family that were not able to make it.
Here's a fun silly picture of Alex grinning with his sunglasses on! I can't get enough of those dimples!
Here's a fun silly picture of Alex grinning with his sunglasses on! I can't get enough of those dimples!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Its Been A While
Yes, I know that it has been too long since I have added any pictures of the little one...I know that's pretty much all everyone wants to see. The month of June is always a busy time with work so I get a little drained.
The boys got baptized the first weekend in June...I'll have to post pictures later because I have them saved on another computer.
Alex's first trip to the skating rink...Yes, they make roller skates in his size. One of our friend's daughter had her 5th birthday party at the skating rink. When I arrived, Bill had Alex on the skating rink "skating" and dancing. He loved the music and lights! He threw a fit when it was time to eat cake. Who throws a fit at cake time?
Alex sick on Saturday...He needed cuddle time. Lately he really enjoys hanging out in our big bed. I can't complain, I like the cuddles too!
Saturday's trip to the doctor...second trip of the week. At least he is doing much better now! He was back to running around the next day.
After the doctor's appointment, we headed over to Which Wich, my favorite sandwich place! He loved his grilled cheese and sitting in a big boy chair. He was too cute sitting there swinging his legs. He was so proud.
Wearing Bill's boots! He loves wearing Bill's boots and flip flops. The flip flops are a bit more of a challenge since he never gets his toes in the right place.
Like the Target $1 bin sunglasses I found before Memorial Day weekend? So does Alex. He loves wearing them around. He thinks he's pretty cool and being his mom, I can't help agree. Even when he is wearing Tyler's bike helmet! How can you not love this little guy?!
The boys got baptized the first weekend in June...I'll have to post pictures later because I have them saved on another computer.
Alex's first trip to the skating rink...Yes, they make roller skates in his size. One of our friend's daughter had her 5th birthday party at the skating rink. When I arrived, Bill had Alex on the skating rink "skating" and dancing. He loved the music and lights! He threw a fit when it was time to eat cake. Who throws a fit at cake time?
Alex sick on Saturday...He needed cuddle time. Lately he really enjoys hanging out in our big bed. I can't complain, I like the cuddles too!
Saturday's trip to the doctor...second trip of the week. At least he is doing much better now! He was back to running around the next day.
After the doctor's appointment, we headed over to Which Wich, my favorite sandwich place! He loved his grilled cheese and sitting in a big boy chair. He was too cute sitting there swinging his legs. He was so proud.
Wearing Bill's boots! He loves wearing Bill's boots and flip flops. The flip flops are a bit more of a challenge since he never gets his toes in the right place.
Like the Target $1 bin sunglasses I found before Memorial Day weekend? So does Alex. He loves wearing them around. He thinks he's pretty cool and being his mom, I can't help agree. Even when he is wearing Tyler's bike helmet! How can you not love this little guy?!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Good Morning
Alex typically talks to himself and his animals every morning before calling out for us to get him. Well, on Saturday, he talked to his animals for about 20 minutes then became silent. We figured he went back to sleep. Much to our surprise when I went to check on him, he was sitting his in bed like this!
Yes, he has taken off his pj's except for his pants...dropping them to his ankles was good for him. He undid one side of his diaper and was pointing out what was in it. Don't worry, I saved you from having to see that picture. Now, we know to get him as soon as he gets up!
Yesterday, Alex and I met Tyler and Bill after Tyler's baseball game to cool off in his pool. Alex wasn't so sure about it at first but then enjoyed spinning circles and kicking with Bill.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Ear Infection
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Little Athlete
Last night Alex got to stay up late to go to Tyler's baseball game. Since Bill helps out with the team in the dug out, Alex had access to some fun gear. Bill told me that Alex was very busy running around with Tyler's helmet and taking any bat laying on the ground. He would get upset every time Bill tried to take the bat or helmet. Luckily, Alex ran around enough to tire out and go to bed without a fuss as soon as we got home. School will have to do with a dirty little Alex today...there wasn't time for a tubby.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Busy weekend
We had a busy weekend with Tyler's baseball game and an engagement party on Saturday and friends over for a bar-b-que on Sunday. This is right up Alex's alley because he has been a busy boy for the past couple of months. He is so busy running everywhere and wanting to play outside. He is ALL boy! He is also very busy talking. He wakes up talking to himself and his animals in his bed...he talks as he falls asleep for his nap and when its time to go to sleep at night. Our new bedtime routine involves telling all the animals on the walls and people in picture frames goodnight. Yesterday morning he was naming everything he saw from the bedroom to the kitchen and then from the kitchen to the bedroom. Life is just so busy!
Watching Tyler play baseball |
Enjoying his firetruck and popsicle. He loves squirting us with his firehouse. |
Alex eating his popsicle...he is also getting his second round of molars. |
Saturday Alex and I went to Old Navy for what I expected to be a quick shopping experience. Well, lets just say that the trip lasted about an hour and a half. There was a great sale going on so there were lots of people. Alex did a fairly good job hanging out in the shopping cart for the entire time. About 40 minutes into the trip he looked at me and said "poo poo" with a red face. Oh boy, I didn't have a diaper or wipes with me so I quickly finished trying on clothes and headed for the check out line...which was about 15 people deep. I have to say that it was moving fast but not fast enough for me. Alex spotted some balls near the check out line so he was somewhat entertained but losing patience quickly. I spotted a soft spiky ball that lights up when it bounces. I was entertaining Alex with it when we were waiting for the next clerk to check us out. I looked around and couldn't find the ball. I thought he probably dropped it so wasn't concerned. We check out and get to the car...then I realized I had put the ball in my purse! Without paying for it! I was panicked that the people in line saw me do this and thought I was a shoplifter. I didn't know what to do so I ran back inside Old Navy and found a manager behind the counter. I told them that we accidentally left with it without paying for it. The ladies were really nice and laughed it off. I'm still so embarrassed by it! Oh well, all is fine.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Alex's Spring 2012 School Pic Preview

Alex's school has a really good photographer who takes the kids photos twice a year. She always adds a Sneak Peek Preview on her Facebook page for the parents before all the pictures are uploaded to her website for us to see. It's like the night before Christmas, waiting for the preview picture to be uploaded. This year, I sent a sweet little outfit with Alex...a pink polo style shirt with blue/white seersucker shorts and white belt. I can hardly wait to see all of his pictures! Yes, you can see the "Akin" in this boy!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
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