Friday, August 31, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

Pink or Blue?

Ten little fingers, ten little toes
Two little eyes, one little nose
One little mouth, two little ears
We hope this poem will bring lots of cheers.

So is it pink or is it blue
We think its time that you all knew.

The ultrasound technician searched while the baby turned
With her next three words here’s what we learned.
She told us then we should start to think
About filling the nursery with lots of pink.

We are expecting Baby GIRL King to arrive the end of January 2013!
I will post a few some of the latest ultrasound pictures later. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

First Professional Haircut

Alex had his first professional haircut on Saturday.  I was really nervous because he never sits still when I trim his hair...but he did a wonderful job!  He immediately ran to the train table when we got there and after a few minutes it was his turn.  He followed the stylist and climbed right in to the seat.  The seat was a red fire truck with a spinning steering wheel.   He drove the fire truck, watched "Finding Nemo" and charmed the pants off all the ladies.  He had such a good time that I had to pull him from the seat.  He is becoming such a big boy!

Madame Zaritska Preditction

Madame Zaritska (whoever she is) predicts how your birth experience will be along with gender, weight and baby's features. Here's my results after answering a few questions:

The day you deliver, outside will be hazy. Your baby will arrive in the late evening. After a labor lasting approximately 5 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 5 pounds, 5 ounces, and will be 20 inches long. This child will have light gray eyes and some black hair

This prediction doesn't sound too bad to me!  We will see if she's right.  We may get to find out if Madame Zaritska prediction on the baby's sex is right on the 23rd. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Sweet Boy

Alex is such a sweet boy.  As I was picking him up from school two days ago, one of his teachers stopped me.  I was expecting her to share some story of a how much he talks or is running and climbing everywhere.  Well, she informed me that during nap time she sneezed and after a few seconds of silence, Alex said "Bless you Sara."  Oh my gosh, that makes me sweet.

Baby King #2

A few pictures of Baby King #2 at 11 weeks pregnant.
You can see the teeth, lips and nose in this picture and a few knuckles by baby's eyes.

Here you can see bones in a foot, leg then the shoulders, arms & hands. 
Baby's hands are infront of its face.

Friday, August 3, 2012

No Umbrella Drinks For Me

In the previous post, I mentioned that vacations used to be about relaxation, sleeping in and umbrella drinks...well, there wont be any umbrella drinks for me until the end of January 2013!
I am 14 weeks 6 days pregnant with number 2!  We are due January 26th! 
(the picture is from 12 weeks 5 days pregnant)