Alexander Neal King arrived on Sunday July 18th @ 1:29 pm.
I woke up thinking that it was going to be another day of hanging around the house and running a few last minute errands. Around 8 I decided to pick up around the house. At 8:30 am while I was putting the dishes away, I noticed a trickle that kept coming...I realized that my water broke. Bill was surprisingly up and I told him the news. He asked if he had time for a really quick shower, which I replied "of course, I'm taking one once your done." Since I wasn't having contractions yet, we took our time then drove to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital and was admitted around 9:45 am. Around 10:20 they verified that my water did brake but I was only 3 cm dilated. After being on the monitors for about 30 minutes, they told me I could walk the floor and let gravity help out. Bill and I made about 3 rounds around the second floor atrium. We were interrupted with strong contractions and I decided that it was time to go back to the room. I told Bill that I didn't think I was going to be able to have a natural birth because the contractions were really strong. He got our nurse who started talking about different options for pain relief. Once she checked my progress, she said that there wasn't time for any medicine that I was at 10 cm dilated and that they had to call the doctor. Needless to say, things started moving really fast and nurses were in and out of the room in a hurry. I had the need to push but was told that I couldn't push until the doctor arrived. My doctor wasn't on call so another doctor from the practice was going to be delivering our baby...she was fabulous. I'm not sure how long it took for her to arrive but after an hour of pushing, Alex arrived. Bill was fabulous and fanned me with a cool wash cloth for probably 1 1/2 hours AND he cut the umbilical cord. He did everything he was supposed to do to help out with the delivery. He was very encouraging and I couldn't have asked for more!
I'm totally amazed at what our bodies are made to do. I've always thought my sister was a little crazy telling me that after having a natural labor and delivery, that you forget the pain. Well, now I can verify that I must have jumped on the crazy train. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't have changed a thing. I enjoyed my 5 hours of labor and delivery with the two loves of my life...my husband and son.
Congrats! That is a crazy delivery story--never known anyone who had their baby that fast, the natural way! Glad to hear it all went well and glad to see your little cutie!