Monday, October 11, 2010

12 weeks old

Alex is now 12 weeks old and I cannot believe how quickly time has flown by. He was a bit more fussy this weekend. More so than he has ever been. Week 12 is a Wonder Week (growth spurt) and one of the signs of a growth spurt is fussiness and little sleep. We sure experienced both this weekend. Even though I was up Saturday early morning from 1:45 am to 4:45 am and every 40 minutes after that until 8:30, I can't help but enjoy it. When I show up along side Alex's crib, he gives me a big grin. How can I be annoyed? He isn't going to be this little for much longer so I try to enjoy every second of him.
Last night I went to a cooking class with two of my best girlfriends so Bill and Alex spent some time watching football. I was shocked when I got home at 7:15 to a wide eyed baby. Hmm...he's usually falling asleep by 7pm. He ate around 7:30 and was quickly sound asleep. I was preparing myself for a another long night but was pleasantly surprised that he didn't wake again until 2 am. I woke up at 1:45 and had to make sure he was doing alright because he was sleeping so long. I'm not sure if it had to do with his growth spurt or the wine I had at the cooking class. I'm not sure if this is a new phase or if I just got lucky...we will just have to wait and see how tonight goes.