So, Market started last Wednesday and just ended yesterday. Since I worked the entire weekend, Bill and Alex had lots of quality time together. When I got home on Sunday, they were playing in our bedroom. I joined in on the fun and took a quick picture with my phone during a snack break.

For the past couple of weeks, I've been trying to teach Alex to wave. Sometimes he seemed to understand but he would move his arm like he was slapping his knee. Other times he just ignored me. I even got Bill involved in this task.
Every time Bill got home from work or after kissing Alex goodnight, Bill would give Alex a big
exaggerated wave. Well, I think it has paid off! Two nights ago, I was feeding Alex dinner in his highchair when Bill got home. Alex heard Bill and raised his arm and did a big wave! At first I wasn't sure what he was doing
because he was moving his arm up and down in the air, but I figured it was his wave. We were both so surprised! Alex must have figured out that he did something good because as I was snuggling with him before putting him in bed, he still was waving at his bedroom door. It was so sweet! I will try to get a video of it. I love how we continues to surprise us!