So, happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone who may read this. Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!
We went down to the deer lease for Thanksgiving which has been a tradition on Bill's side of the family for many years. We arrived on Tuesday evening got set up and all was good...until Alex woke up with dry cough. It sounded horrible so Bill asked his mom to bring a humidifier out with her on Wednesday night. Well, to make a long story short, the cough never got better and while we were in town (Rio Grande is a strong word b/c its a tiny town) Alex was getting a a little wheezy. On our way out of town, I decided to get Alex checked out. We (my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, 5 yr old niece and a close family friend and I) stopped by a clinic that was recommended to us but the doctors had left for the day at 2 pm on Friday. The clinic told us that the only other place to go was the ER. What I expected to be a quick trip turned out to be a 5 hour long ordeal. After Triage decided that Alex needed to be admitted we waited 2 1/2 hours until we were called back. (Thank goodness I packed extra diapers, wipes, sippy cup and snacks!) The doctor wanted the nurse to swab for strep, flu a, flu b, take chest x-rays, draw blood and give Alex a breathing treatment. Because Alex wouldn't sit still, who would blame him, he had to get strapped down to a back board with mega Velcro straps...aka a baby straight jacket. Needless to say, he wasn't happy about this and we both cried. It was pretty sad because they drew blood, tried to give him an IV in one hand but didn't work so they had to put it in his other hand. My poor Little Man eventually sounded much better after his first breathing treatment. While we waited on the doctor to see us, Alex had fun jumping up and down on the table, whacking his splint on anything that made noise and playing Peek A Boo Barn on my phone. After the all the lab results and x-rays came back, it was determined that he had a viral infection which caused his throat to swell so he was given another breathing treatment, a steroid shot in his IV and prescription for more.

Glad everything is ok now. That must have been a scary experience! Doesn't sound like fun at all. Hope other than that you had a good Thanksgiving. Alex is adorable even when he is sick.