Alex was a super happy boy when we were driving home from school yesterday. I couldn't resist taking a picture!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
I have to post a cute picture of Alex the night before our little excursion to the ER.
Its crazy what the well water will do to your hair!
Update on Alex...he is doing much better. He fell asleep an hour early on our long ride (8 hour) home from the deer lease yesterday. Once we got home, I got him ready for bed, turned on his humidifier and he was out. He slept all night without coughing! I don't even think he moved an inch in his sleep because he was still in the same spot and under his blanket as when I put him to bed.
Eventful Thanksgiving
So, happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone who may read this. Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!
We went down to the deer lease for Thanksgiving which has been a tradition on Bill's side of the family for many years. We arrived on Tuesday evening got set up and all was good...until Alex woke up with dry cough. It sounded horrible so Bill asked his mom to bring a humidifier out with her on Wednesday night. Well, to make a long story short, the cough never got better and while we were in town (Rio Grande is a strong word b/c its a tiny town) Alex was getting a a little wheezy. On our way out of town, I decided to get Alex checked out. We (my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, 5 yr old niece and a close family friend and I) stopped by a clinic that was recommended to us but the doctors had left for the day at 2 pm on Friday. The clinic told us that the only other place to go was the ER. What I expected to be a quick trip turned out to be a 5 hour long ordeal. After Triage decided that Alex needed to be admitted we waited 2 1/2 hours until we were called back. (Thank goodness I packed extra diapers, wipes, sippy cup and snacks!) The doctor wanted the nurse to swab for strep, flu a, flu b, take chest x-rays, draw blood and give Alex a breathing treatment. Because Alex wouldn't sit still, who would blame him, he had to get strapped down to a back board with mega Velcro straps...aka a baby straight jacket. Needless to say, he wasn't happy about this and we both cried. It was pretty sad because they drew blood, tried to give him an IV in one hand but didn't work so they had to put it in his other hand. My poor Little Man eventually sounded much better after his first breathing treatment. While we waited on the doctor to see us, Alex had fun jumping up and down on the table, whacking his splint on anything that made noise and playing Peek A Boo Barn on my phone. After the all the lab results and x-rays came back, it was determined that he had a viral infection which caused his throat to swell so he was given another breathing treatment, a steroid shot in his IV and prescription for more.

Thursday, November 17, 2011
More pictures
We were out of town this weekend and Alex learned that he LOVED riding on the bell hop cart!
Bill and Alex made a couple trips up and down the hallway on this cart when we arrived and when we left.
Alex who used to hate wearing his hat now loves wearing hats. Two nights ago I looked down and Alex had put on two of Bill's hats. I wasn't quick enough to get a picture of him wearing both but he posed for me to take a picture of him wearing one.
Alex in his first pair of name brand tennis shoes. A good friend of mine at work forwarded a sale to me on 11/11/11. I scored a pair of Saucony tennis shoes for Alex for only $11 and free shipping. He Alex is modeling his new pair of tennis shoes. He actually posed for a couple pictures. He looks so big in this picture. Don't you love his big belly!!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
We've been busy
Life has been really busy lately so I haven't had much time to post any updates. Most people don't really care too much about the updates, you all are more interested in pictures. So here you go!

Bill took both boys to IHOP when I had to work a couple of weekends ago. Alex LOVED pancakes!

Bed time!

Bill took both boys to IHOP when I had to work a couple of weekends ago. Alex LOVED pancakes!
Bed time!
Alex snoozing on the way down to the lease...only last about 30 minutes of the 8 hour drive.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
15 Month Old Appointment
Alex had his 15 month old doctor's appointment yesterday. He is still growing close to the 50th percentile mark.
Weight: 22lbs 15oz
Height: 31 3/4 inches
Head: 47 inches
He was a little angry after the doctor looked in his mouth...which isn't a surprise because he always fusses with this part of the checkup. For about 20 minutes he yelled, screamed and banged his head on the floor. Yes, I know this sounds horrible and it was. You see, when Alex throws a fit, he bangs his head against the wall or the floor. When this happens, we distract him with something else or walk away. The doctor said that this is a phase and to ignore it. When he doesn't have an audience, he wont do it. I was so sad for Alex but decided to take a small little video of him throwing his fit at the doctor's office. I know it is a little evil of me to take this video...My little Sunshine was having a dark moment.
Video coming soon...Flickr is having difficulties right now...
Weight: 22lbs 15oz
Height: 31 3/4 inches
Head: 47 inches
He was a little angry after the doctor looked in his mouth...which isn't a surprise because he always fusses with this part of the checkup. For about 20 minutes he yelled, screamed and banged his head on the floor. Yes, I know this sounds horrible and it was. You see, when Alex throws a fit, he bangs his head against the wall or the floor. When this happens, we distract him with something else or walk away. The doctor said that this is a phase and to ignore it. When he doesn't have an audience, he wont do it. I was so sad for Alex but decided to take a small little video of him throwing his fit at the doctor's office. I know it is a little evil of me to take this video...My little Sunshine was having a dark moment.
Video coming soon...Flickr is having difficulties right now...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Lions and Tigers and...a Giraffe
Alex was a giraffe this year for Halloween. His school has a costume parade around the neighborhood so Bill and I both went to hold Alex's hands. It was pretty entertaining and much like herding cats. Alex is in the "Walkers Room" which was at the back of the parade line. Alex did a good job following Piglet who was in front of him in line...until he saw a tree, or a parked car, or a piece of grass or the curb. He was wondering all over the place! He got lots of treats but most went to our trick or treaters later that night. Not real sure why they give candy to preschoolers. Oh well, he enjoyed the mini pack of goldfish that he received.
Later that afternoon, I took Alex up to Bill's office. Another co-worker has two kids so they arranged for us to all be up there at the same time. Alex was pretty busy, pushing chairs, running around in Bill's office and playing on Bill's computer.

You can click on the video to enlarge. When it opens up in, you can see the other video of Alex working hard at Bill's office.
Later that night, Bill, Tyler, Alex and I attended our neighborhood Halloween party. The party is right in front of our house, so there's no reason for us not to go. For some reason we didn't get any pictures of the boys. Tyler was one of four mobsters and Alex the only roaming giraffe. Bill and I had more trouble keeping up with Alex than with Tyler. Think of approximately 50 families with 2 kids each running screaming you get the picture. Even though it was Halloween, Alex still had his tubby and bedtime by 6:45 pm. Tyler is now 11 so he was able to trick or treat with other kids...without adult supervision. Which I have to give him credit because he didn't go far and was back about 10 minutes after dark. All in all, it was a busy Halloween but a good one!
Later that afternoon, I took Alex up to Bill's office. Another co-worker has two kids so they arranged for us to all be up there at the same time. Alex was pretty busy, pushing chairs, running around in Bill's office and playing on Bill's computer.
You can click on the video to enlarge. When it opens up in, you can see the other video of Alex working hard at Bill's office.
Later that night, Bill, Tyler, Alex and I attended our neighborhood Halloween party. The party is right in front of our house, so there's no reason for us not to go. For some reason we didn't get any pictures of the boys. Tyler was one of four mobsters and Alex the only roaming giraffe. Bill and I had more trouble keeping up with Alex than with Tyler. Think of approximately 50 families with 2 kids each running screaming you get the picture. Even though it was Halloween, Alex still had his tubby and bedtime by 6:45 pm. Tyler is now 11 so he was able to trick or treat with other kids...without adult supervision. Which I have to give him credit because he didn't go far and was back about 10 minutes after dark. All in all, it was a busy Halloween but a good one!
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