Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Alex loves his new highchair but it makes me sad! He has become such a big boy! Right now Alex really enjoys eating sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, avacado and his dad's oatmeal. Not sure if I mentioned this already or not, but last week he had his six month appointment and he weighs 16.2 lbs and is 24.5 inches tall.

Last night was the second night in a row for sleep training. So far, so good. I'm not sure if it is going so well becuase I am so tired from Market, the use of earplugs or Alex crying for less than 10-15 minutes. Probably a combination of all of them! I hope the rest of the week goes well and that Alex continues to fall back asleep on his own. I have really enjoyed sleeping for more than 3 consecutive hours!

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Dimples is pretty darn cute in his highchair! Your blog is looking great as well. Good job!
