Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I think its a goner!

I think its a goner! By "it" I mean Alex's mouthpiece.

This past Friday one of Alex's teachers asked me if we were trying to wean Alex off his mouthpiece because he had been napping without it. She told me that he would hold it or throw it. So, I decided to see how he would do at home without it. He napped Saturday and Sunday just fine with it. Even the first night he didn't really fuss too much. OH Boy, but the second night wasn't good. I blame it on the fact that he only had a 20 minute nap all day and was overly tired. It took about an hour for him to fall asleep. I probably didn't help the situation by going back to his room three or four times to try to help soothe him to sleep. To make a long story short, I felt horrible but didn't give in. I was starting to second guess this decision after Bill wanted to give in after 10 minutes stating that "Alex is only 15 months old, its ok for him to have it." Bill looks like such a big tough guy but he is truly a softie! Last night was the third night for Alex to go without it and I truly think its a goner! He hardly fussed when he fell asleep. I guess I should throw them away tonight so we don't have the urge to give him one when he's fussy. I don't want to go through this again...even though it was actually pretty easy.

1 comment:

  1. It's always the husbands that can't handle it...ha! Darren was the same way.

    Definitely a good idea to throw them away. When we finally got rid of Ava's (she was 2 & a half--arghhh), it was well worth it...I had to throw them away too so that I wouldn't cave. :)
