Monday, August 27, 2012

Pink or Blue?

Ten little fingers, ten little toes
Two little eyes, one little nose
One little mouth, two little ears
We hope this poem will bring lots of cheers.

So is it pink or is it blue
We think its time that you all knew.

The ultrasound technician searched while the baby turned
With her next three words here’s what we learned.
She told us then we should start to think
About filling the nursery with lots of pink.

We are expecting Baby GIRL King to arrive the end of January 2013!
I will post a few some of the latest ultrasound pictures later. 


  1. Congrats! How exciting...get ready for ruffles and lots of pink. It's a lot of fun to have one of each!

    1. Thank you Megan! I'm very excited about having a girl. This pregnancy has been full of surprises. It will be nice to experiene the best & worst of both worlds.
